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We have moved our other products to our Beverley Blinds site:
Wood Venetian Pelmet Connector the Pelmate
Pelmet wood Venetian
The Wood Venetian Blind
Pelmet Connector
Now with Lower Pricing !

To Learn more, watch the video
Gaps in Pelmet
The Pelmate will eliminate the problem of poorly fitted pelmets, being very easy and quick to install with no skills required. The Pelmate will transform the look of your blinds.

To purchase the Plemate click the "Trade Only" link at the top of the page
Wood Venetian blinds are very popular and add a finishing touch to your windows, however a pelmet with gaps or bad joins can detract from that look, leaving an scruffy unfinished and a somewhat ugly look to your blinds.
You may be aware of the buzz going around in the blinds industry with this brand new product for the Perfect Fit Blind called Frameseal.
You can find further details of this amazing new product here: Franeseal
Pelmate is a Trading name of Beverley Blinds Ltd
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